In parallel with current technology and developments, we shape our environmental impacts according to the principles of sustainability and see our innovative approach among our indispensables.

Personal Data Protection Policy


As HGG İnşaat Anonim Şirketi ("Our Company") by protecting privacy and protection of personal data rights of the visitors, we are processing data subjects’ personal data who visited the website managed by Our Company and using website cookies ("Cookies") to provide a better user experience. We are using these technologies in compliance with Turkish Data Protection Law with no. 6698 (“the Law”) among other legislation that is applicable. Hereby, in this Policy, we gave place to information regarding processing of this your personal data as users/subscribers/visitors of our website. Besides, hereby in this Policy, we explained the types of cookies that we use in our website, purpose of using those cookies and how to control them.

What is Cookie and What are Cookies Used For?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computers, mobile phones, tablets or other mobile devices device sent from the websites you visit. Within these files information regarding the website that you visit is stored. By this way, the mobile devices that you used to access the websites shall remember these data when you access the website again. In this sense, cookies are significant tools for effective and easier use of the websites.

The main reasons that we use cookies are set forth below:
• To enhance your experience by improving functionality and performance of our Website,
• To improve our Website, to develop features and customize our Website per your choices,
• To obtain your personal data such as IP address in order to fulfill legal requirements arising from contracts and legislation especially from Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Broadcasts via Internet and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcasts and the Regulation on Principles and Procedures Regarding Regulation of Broadcasts via Internet,
• To provide your safety, the security of the Website and our Company’s legal and commercial security.

Categories of Cookies Used on our Website

Mandatory Cookies: The use of certain cookies is mandatory for proper functioning of our website. These cookies are necessary to administrate the system, to prevent fake transactions and blocking these cookies will cause malfunctioning of the website.

Efficiency and Preference Cookies: These cookies are used to provide you more enhanced and easier usage experience. For example, remembering your preferences and choices on the website and providing you easier access to particular content shared on the website is some of their functions. As explained in detail below you may block these cookies.

Performance and Analysis Cookies: Because of these cookies, we can analyze your use and performance of our Site and enhance services we provide to you.

Analytical Cookies: We are using cookies to count the number of visitors on our website. Analytical cookies are used to see how you use our website, to see whether the features are working properly or not, to optimize and enhance our website and to ensure that our website is still attracts you and fits for your purposes. Web pages that you visited, directed/closing pages, the type of platform that you use, date/time stamp information and clicks performed on the page, your mouse movements, scrolling down actions, terms that you used for searching and texts that are typed during usage of our website are the details that are obtained during your experience.

How Can I Control Cookies?

By changing settings of your browser you may change your preferences regarding cookies.

Information regarding the cookies that are used is enlisted below:

Adobe Analytics http://www.adobe.com/uk/privacy/opt-out.html
AOL https://help.aol.com/articles/restore-security-settings-and-enable-cookie-settings-on-browser
Google Adwords https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=en
Google Analytics https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Google Chrome http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95647
Internet Explorer https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Mozilla Firefox http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Cookies
Opera http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/security/privacy/
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph19214?locale=tr_TR